
Jiu Jitsu Modern

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect?

Each class is one hour long. It will start with a movement drill to warm up the body. There will be 2 techniques taught. You will practice them with a partner with light resistance. Short break then you will train with resistance with your partner from this week’s position. The rest of the rounds will be with new partners till the end of class. Short cool down. End of class.

Am I too old?

Absolutely not. Jiu Jitsu is for everyone. The mats are filled with people of all ages.

Should I get in shape first?

Training Jiu Jitsu will get you into shape…and fast. Bonus! its way more fun than being on a treadmill and you will develop a skill that could possible help you or a loved one.

What is the etiquette?
  1. Be on time.
  2. Be clean.
  3. Wear a clean uniform.
  4. Nails neatly trimmed.
  5. Treat everyone with respect.
  6. No bare feet off the mat.
  7. Take care of yourself – Take care of others.
  8. Do not attend class if you are sick.
  9. Bring an open mind, be willing to learn and grow.