Academy Etiquette

training protocol
training protocol
& Guidelines
  1. All jewelry, piercings, necklaces and other items should be removed before training.
  2. Fingernails and Toenails must ALWAYS be neatly trimmed and clean before class.
  3. Always cleanup after yourself (tape, water bottles, equipment, etc).
  4. Footwear must ALWAYS be worn in the bathroom.
Academy Etiquette
Academy Etiquette
  1. Take care of others. Take care of yourself.
  2. Wear a clean uniform.
  3. Outside foot wear is not permitted, sandals must be worn (no bare feet off the mat).
  4. Be mindful of classes in session. Speak quietly and respectfully
  5. Shoes, Food and Electronic devices are not allowed in the training area.
Student Standards
Student Standards
  1. Never brag about or celebrate tapping (OR NOT tapping) an opponent during training.
  2. Check your attitude and ego at the door. This is the wrong place to bring negative energy.
  3. Work on your weaknesses in class. Remember that this is TRAINING not COMPETITION.
  4. Help new students with what you know. Pay it forward!
live training
live training
Rolling & Sparring
  1. Always shake hands before and after live sparring and practice
  2. Be MINDFUL of your training partners skill, weight and age level.
  3. Long hair should be tied up so as not to cause partner any discomfort.
  4. Yelling, Grunting or Wincing is a verbal tap and the match should be restarted
  5. No slamming, scratching or striking
  6. No spine or neck cranks
  7. No grabbing individual fingers or bending fingers backwards